Update Your Licenses or Credentials

You’re a CE App user and want to update your credentials to track your continuing education (CE).

Here’s how you can update (add, change, or remove) a license or credential.

1. Go to your profile

When you sign into your account, you should see a button in the top right corner that says “Profile”. Click this button and you’ll be on your profile.

Look for the ‘Licenses & Certifications’ section.

2. Update a saved credential

  • Renewing a license or editing the due date? Click on the date icon on the right side of the credential’s card.
  • To edit, click on the pencil icon on the left side of a credential card. Here, you can also edit more details and upload attachments.
  • Here you may remove an old credential or license if it’s been updated or renewed by clicking the blue “x”

3. Add a license or credential

To add in a new license or credential:

  1. Select the state in which the license or credential is registered OR click OTHER to type the License issuing Body.
  2. Select if it is a Licence, Certification, Credential, Designation, and Other.
  3. Select the type of license/credential (LPCC, MD, etc.)
  4. Add the license/credential number.
  5. Select the Country.
  6. Choose the License issuing date and Expiration dates.

Then, simply click the blue “Add Credential” button and you’ll see the license appear below as a blue block. You can use this section to also track other types of credentials and not just licenses.

You did it! You’ve added a new license or credential. You’re pretty much a rockstar and we’re not surprised.