Manage Other Admins in Your Organization

You’re an administrator at an organization within the CE App.

Now, you want to manage other admins, managers, or secretaries within the organization. These folks will have administrative privileges which can be set for each person. Here’s how you do that…

Add a New Org Admin

When you’re signed in, click on “Org Admin” in the menu (or click here)

Add your new user by clicking on the “+ Add New User” button

Enter the user’s email and select the user type:

User type “Organizational Admin” allows them additional privileges like yours which you can select later.

IMPORTANT: Save their activation link

You’ll then see their temporary password and activation link. You can save the password for future reference, but it likely won’t be used.

Copy the activation link and save it for your reference. This is what you’ll send directly to your new user in order for them to claim their account.

Send the link to the new user. If you’d like, you can also include the link to our user guide as well as org admin guides and mention that they can email [email protected] or chat with us within the site at any time for help.

From the Org Admin List, you should see your new user listed. Here, you can click “Edit” on the right side to set their profile details and permissions.

Allow each org admin different permissions. “License Updates” and “CE Updates” simply notifies them if a license or course is added or updated on any user account within the organization. “Approve CEs” is relevant if your organization has manager approval of CEs enabled, allowing them to confirm credits.

Remove an Org Admin

Click on “Org Admin” in the CE App menu (or click here)

Then follow steps 3 on from this guide: How to Remove a User from your Organization. We’ve included those here for convenience:

From the user admin controller, you can search for the user you want to remove. Then you’ll click on “edit” on the right side to edit the selected user.

Simply click on “Remove User from Organization”

This will remove the user from your group, but keep their account active in case you or they want those records later on.

Parting is such sweet sorrow…