Edit and Sign In as Other Users in ATFA

Don’t Have a Group Account Yet?

If you don't yet have a group administrative account on the CE App, please learn more and set it up now by clicking the button below.

You’re an administrator at an organization within the CE App.

Here’s how you can edit other user accounts or sign into those accounts to manage continuing education, licenses, or other profile details for your group.

1. Sign In

Sign into your CE App account as an organizational admin

2. Go to the User Admin page

When you’re signed in, click on “User admin” under Organization Admin’s heading in the menu.

3. Select the User you want to Edit

Search for the user you want to edit in the search bar, or just select the user from the list.

4. Happy editing!

Click on the user to immediately edit the basic details of the user’s account.

Organization Admins Logging in as their Users

Organization admins can Login as their users by following these steps:

  1. Click on the icon next to the delete button.
  2. This will give the Org Admin the option to log in as the user.
  3. The Org Admin can then view and track the user’s Continuing Education (CE) progress.

If you need to get back to your admin account, simply click the “Return to admin account” button in the menu: